Last rain in the Baringo county was reported in April 2018. The haze has dried up the water table, causing death of plants, animals and now humans.
Kenya’s Baringo County is facing severe draught which has caused untold hunger in the East African country.
Last rain in the Baringo county was reported in April 2018. The haze has dried up the water table, causing death of plants, animals and now humans.
Earlier report of the death of nine people in connection with the situation have been updated with a number of more casualties.
Reports suggest that the situation is slowly worsening with at least 900,000 people in 12 counties facing starvation.
Baringo and Turkana counties have undergone through a streak of drought that has led to lack of water and food for the residents for months, making residents to flee their homes.
For the last 12 months, Turkana’s water tables have gone down drastically due to drought. The last rain was experienced in early April 2018.
Baringo bounded by Turkana County and West Pokot County to the North, Samburu County and Laikipia County to the East, Nakuru County and Kericho County to the South, Uasin Gishu County to the South West and Elgeyo Marakwet County to the West. It covers an area of 8,655 sq km. Baringo County lies between Latitudes 00 degrees 13″ South and 1 degree 40″ north and Longitudes 35 degrees 36″ and 36″ degrees 30″ East.
The county is occupied by the Tugen, Pokot and Njemps. A sizeable population of Nubians is found in Eldama-Ravine. Christianity is the most practiced religion in the county. Baringo county has many tribes including Tugens, Njemps, Pokots, Turkanas, Kikuyus, Numbians and Kisiis