According to Joshua 1:9, we are to live life on earth with inspiration from God’s word and not by what we will hear, see or feel. It is also established that because of human frailties, we can become apprehensive by what we see around us or what other humans do to us to the point that we fail in our trust in God and make God Himself become apprehensive of our attitude. Yet God cannot fail us if everything around fails us. One of the things that can make us apprehensive and loose our focus on God is the subject of “Hurt”.
To hurt means:
a. To cause physical pain to somebody / yourself
b. To feel painful
c. To make somebody unhappy or upset
d. To have a bad effect on somebody
e. To be in a very bad or difficult situation because you need something badly
Apostle Paul in the passage above, had finished a wonderful exposition to the Philippians Christians, on why it is important that they have one mind – Phil. 2:1-11, to work as a team and pursue the common good of all – 1Thess. 5:15 just as Jesus our Master has with His Father, God. Paul was however, careful to let them know that our obedience to God’s word must not only be consistent to keeping our salvation (vs. 12), but we realize that human relations can sometimes get complex and create rooms for tensions, fear, pain, disagreement, envy, arguments, lack, betray, etc., that could lead us to hurting others or being hurt ourselves. These matter of hurt is so serious that if not properly handled could jeopardize our salvation in Christ. Yes, it is that serious!
The world we live in today is full of wickedness and mischief; I hear God’s Spirit saying to me now that many are hurt in the church, home, in the office space, in their business, in their academics, in their marriages, relationships, and even their duty post and Arms. Let me ask you; who have you hurt knowingly or unknowingly? Who has caused you pain that you have refused to let go? What has somebody done to you in the past and it is still having a negative effects on you now? What is the situation you are into currently that denies you of your joy and sleep? Who have disappointed you? Listen to God’s word again:
…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure – Philippians 2:12b-13
From the word of God above, three things are instructive:
i. No matter the level of hurt, it is not worth losing our salvation for it – your salvation is the ultimate – guide it!
ii. No matter the level of offence or hurt by a fellow human being, our loyalty and obedience should be directed at God and not man who is finite and fallible. Paul said this to prevent his potential (imminent) death from weakening their faith and enthusiasm in Christian work. Therefore always set your mind on things above and not things below.
iii. Notwithstanding the difficulty or level of pain you have suffered, always know that it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do His good pleasure. If we must remain undaunted and unshakable in our service to God in this month and beyond, let us know that it is God that provides the deeper incentives of motivation and empowerment in all circumstances. God has made this possible through His seal upon us – the Holy Spirit in us and by His word.
Hence, it will therefore take strength (from the inside) and courage (outwardly) to remain on the side of God no matter what comes our way – Josh. 1:9. I therefore, charge you beloved to consider again the lines of this Hymn RCH 529.
Courage Brother do not stumble
Though the path be dark as night
There is a star to guide the humble
Trust in God and do the right
You have to rise above every hurt and pain. I see God restoring you back to the place of celebrations and the joy that comes from His salvation. It is well with us!
Rev. Edet E. Umo, a Minister of God’s word, is based in Abuja, Nigeria