Michael Job, ‘Kenya Dancing Jesus’ is not dead, says he never claimed to be Jesus Christ
‘Kenya Dancing Jesus’ not dead, says he never claimed to be Christ
Actor and evangelist, Michael Job, whose video clip where he dressed like Jesus Christ of Nazareth went viral is not dead contrary to reports that he died of pneumonia a day after he left Kenya.
In statement he released on Wednesday on his Facebook page, Job also denied ever claiming to be the Jesus Christ contrary to some speculations.
He also said that he is still in Kenya “Ministering”, against reports that he was deported from Kenya. Job earlier today shared photos and videos of his outreach in Kenya municipals.
“Now in response to the media, I was doing 9 days of crusades in Ongata Rongai, Kitengela, and Kiserian Kenya where I did a short play and preached about the salvation that can only be found in Jesus Christ.
1. At no time did I ever say I was Jesus. Everything you have heard about that is fake news.
2. And I am still in Kenya ministering. Many people just got saved and healed today. It was awesome. With that being said, this answers the 2nd question: no I was not deported.
3. And for the 3rd question: did I die?
I think you figured that one out. I am very much alive and preaching the gospel. I love Kenya and have absolutely loved spending the last month and a half ministering to the beautiful people of Kenya. I have met many dedicated, humble, and loving people here. Thank you for blessing my life. I pray the Lord abundantly bless you and reveal his awesome love to you. Call on the name of Jesus today, He loves you so much.
Job used that medium to preach about sin, forgiveness and Christ: “ I would like to give a response to the rumors you have heard in the media about me. But before I do I would like you to know how much Jesus loves you. Without Jesus our sins separate us from God. God can forgive you for the biggest sin but you need forgiveness for the smallest sin. God is good and holy but he must punish sin. The punishment of sin is death, eternal separation from God forever in a real place called hell. So God made a way for us to go to heaven. Only Jesus… took your place on the cross for your sins. He was the only one qualified to pay for your sins because he was God in the flesh. He is the only one that has never sinned. On the cross Jesus took the punishment for your sin and my sin on the cross. The blood of Jesus is powerful to cleanse you from every sin you have ever done (1 John 1:7). And I praise God Jesus just didn’t die, but on the third day he rose from the dead. Jesus is alive today. Jesus said I am the way, and the truth, and the life. no one comes to the father except through me (John 14:6).”
“There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved but at the name of Jesus. The bible says “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Roman 10:9). Jesus desires to be the leader, Lord, and ruler of your life. Will you surrender your life to Jesus today? Say this prayer with me, ” Jesus, come into my life. Be my Lord, be my savior. Forgive me for my sins. I believe you died for me and rose from the dead. Today I put my faith in you to go to heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.” Please read your Bible, go to church, pray, and know how deeply Jesus loves you”, he added.
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