Rev. John Chima Nwachukwu
Medic, John Chima Nwachukwu, has also been licensed to be priest
John Chima Nwachukwu, a University of Nigeria trained physiotherapist, on Sunday also took another oath of service to humanity, this time as a priest of Jesus Christ.
He said it was a hunger in him to preach God’s word that drove him to the Theological College after he obtained a degree Medical Rehabilitation from the University. That hunger paid-off today as the leadership of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria in Abuja gave Nwachukwu the license to be priest.

Rev. John Chima Nwachukwu
He answered in the affirmative to the oath of service to the church of God and humanity. Consequently, the priestly title of Reverend has been officially been prefixed to his name.

Rev. John Chima Nwachu
Reverend Nwachukwu was born on 17th November, 1983 to the family of Late Pastor Nwachukwu Chima and Mrs Grace Chima of Ufuezokwu Oshiri, Onicha L.G.A, Ebonyi State. He attended Primary School at Oshiri Central School Oshiri, between 1991-1997 where he obtained his First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC). He proceeded to Oshiri Community Secondary School where he obtained his Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination (JSSCE), after which he left his home town to Afikpo, still in Ebonyi State, where he finished his Secondary School at Government College Afikpo and obtained WAEC Certificate in 2004.
He studied Medical Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy) at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and obtained B.MR (PT) in 2013. He is a Certified Member of Medical Rehabilitation Therapy Board of Nigeria, 2014. He is a member of Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy (MNSP), 2014. He did his Internship program at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Sokoto State where he got an award of excellence in clinical practice as the Best passed out physiotherapist’s intern in 2015. He is also a Certified Member of Health Safety and Environment, 2015.
Before he finished his internship program at Sokoto he was invited by NYSC National Directorate Headquarters to come down to Abuja and serve at the NYSC National Directorate Headquarters Staff’s Clinic and NYSC National Football Team, Abuja, which was the place he did his Youth Service between 2015/2016.
He also became a certified member of Stroke Ambassadors of United Kingdom and Nigeria in 2016.
He obtained Post Graduate Diploma in Theology (PGD-Th) at Hugh Goldie Lay/Theological Institution, Arochukwu, Abia State in 2018.
While waiting for his induction into the Medical Rehabilitation Therapy Board of Nigeria and searching for internship program placement in 2014, he worked at New Era Specialist Hospital, Aba, Abia State.
He proceeded to Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Sokoto State in June 2014 where he did his compulsory one year internship program from 2014-2015.
During his Youth Service year, he was the Sports Physiotherapist to NYSC National Football Team, Abuja and headed the physiotherapy Unit at NYSC National Directorate Headquarters Staff’s Clinic Abuja, F.C.T. in 2015-2016. He consulted at Safe Hands Orthopaedics and Trauma Specialist Hospital Kubwa, Abuja, between 2015-2019. He also worked in the following Clinics: Optima Health Physio Consult, SunCity Estate, Gladimawa Abuja, Idara Physiotherapy Clinic, Bwari, Abuja, Omega Physiotherapy and Back Care Clinic, Kubwa, Abuja, F.C.T and , Currently a staff of the FCTA, Abuja, F.C.T.
He has served the church and the society in the following capacities: as the Bible Study Coordinator of the Scripture Union Students’ fellowship of Government College, Afikpo, 2003/2004; School Secretary of Scripture Union Nigeria Umuogele group Aba Zone, 2005-2006.
He Opened and supervised many Scripture Union Students’ Fellowships in many Secondary Schools in Aba, Abia State while teaching and awaiting admission into University. Some of the secondary schools include:- St Jude Secondary School, Zico Comprehensive Secondary School, Major Secondary School, Immaculate Heart Secondary, New World International Secondary School, e.t.c all in Aba, Abia State 2005-2007.
He also served as the Assistant Zonal Schools’ Coordinator of the Scripture Union, Aba Zone 2006/2007.
In the Scripture Union Campus Fellowship of the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus (SUCF UNEC), he served as the Schools’ Work Coordinator, 2007-2008. In 2008, he served as the Prayer Coordinator of SUCF UNEC. From 2010 to 2011, he served as the Vice President of SUCF UNEC He further served as the President of SUCF UNEC in 2012. He also served as the Class Pastor from his first year till their final year program.
Upon crossing over to the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus (UNEC) after Premedical courses at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN). He noticed that there was no Christian fellowship in the department (Medical Rehabilitation). He took it upon himself and established one to aid in the total wellbeing of the department. With the help of God, Nigeria Christian Students’ Fellowship (NCPSF) was established in 2010 and still existing till date with the highest number of membership among all the fellowships in the faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine, UNEC. He served as the President of the fellowship from 2010-2013 where he received a meritorious award of Sacrifice and Dedication to God’s work by NCPSF during his send-forth party in 2013.
He served as the Electoral Committee Chairman of Ebonyi State Students Association, UNEC 2012. He served as an editorial Board member of Phsiotheraputa Journal 2012-2013. He also served as the Departmental Representative in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology Christian Association (HESTCAN), 2008-2012. He Served as Class Pastor at UNEC from year to graduation.
While doing his internship at Sokoto, he served as the Bible Study Coordinator of the Scripture Union Nigeria, Kano Zone, covering both Sokoto State and Kano State 2014-2015. He is the Youth and School Coordinator of the Scripture Union, Nigeria P/W group kubwa, Abuja, 2017-date.
He is the Northern Coordinator of the End Time Emancipation Gospel Outreach, 2015 till date.
He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the RuMESI—Rural Missionaries Empowerment Support Initiative. A member of Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International
Mr. Moderator worthy to note is the fact that Chima John Nwachukwu served as the President of the Student Union Government-SUG (The Chief of the College) of Summer program , 2016/2017 academic session at the theological College, Hugh Goldie Lay/Theological Institution, Arochukwu, Abia State.
He is the author of these books: (a) Why many Christians remain poor and their therapeutic remedies (b) The Marriage of the Lamb
Chima John Nwachukwu accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Personal Saviour at his tender age under the ministry of the Scripture Union (Nigeria), Oshiri Township group. He joined the Scripture Union (Nigeria) in 1993, and since then till date he has been an active member of the ministry. He was baptized at The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Oshiri Parish, Onicha Presbytery in 1998 and Confirmed in 2012 at Chapel of Redemption, University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC).
Chima John Nwachukwu received the call into the Tent-Making Ministry while waiting for his admission into University. Up on finishing his Youth Service, he proceeded to Theological College in 2016 to run a Post Graduate Diploma in Theology (PGD-Th) at Hugh Goldie Lay/Theological Institution, Arochukwu, Abia State. He finished and had his convocation at Hugh Goldie Lay/Theological Institution, Arochukwu, Abia State in 1st June, 2018.
Rev. Nwachukwu is married to Faith Amarachi Chima about a year ago and they are already blessed with a son, Praise Oluebube Chima.
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