The Republican Party has tweeted a parody cover of the book, Fire and Fury, with titled, LAIR and PHONY
FIRE and FURY: Controversy Trails Wolff’s Claims About Trump in New Book
As demand for Michael Wolff’s book on Trump’s White House titled: Fire and Fury: Inside Trump White House gets higher, the book is making some floundering steps as a result of some contradicting claims Wolff makes on popular and conspicuous incidents in the White House.
Wollf has also made some missteps when he admitted that he is not sure if all records in the book are facts.
As expected, Democratic elements in the US and their sympathisers around the world are winning and dinning with the book and some related reviews. In like manners, the Republican Party has tweeted a parody cover of the book, titled, LAIR and PHONY where the party put together some actual unflattering reviews of the book.
For instance, “He gets basic details wrong,” a New York Times writer says about Wolff.
“Real factual errors … makes you wonder about the overall content,” notes a CNN reporter.
Then Trump himself retweeted the parody cover and whipped: “Michael Wolff is a total loser who made up stories in order to sell this really boring and untruthful book. He used Sloppy Steve Bannon, who cried when he got fired and begged for his job. Now Sloppy Steve has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone. Too bad!”
President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Friday evening to once again take shots at “Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff — and former White House strategist Steve Bannon.
Fox News reported that in recent days Trump has unleashed a series of tweets attacking Wolff and the content of “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” which went on sale Friday.
“Trump has also targeted Bannon, whose trash-talking of the president and his family have sparked the media frenzy surrounding the book’s release.
For example, the book quotes Bannon dismissing Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump: “She became a White House staffer and that’s when people suddenly realized she’s as dumb as a brick.”
Earlier Friday, Trump claimed the book was merely a distraction from the investigation into the Trump team’s possible collusion with Russia turning out to be a “hoax.”
“Well, now that collusion with Russia is proving to be a total hoax and the only collusion is with Hillary Clinton and the FBI/Russia, the Fake News Media (Mainstream) and this phony new book are hitting out at every new front imaginable. They should try winning an election. Sad!” Trump tweeted Friday morning.
In a tweet Thursday, the president attacked Wolff’s credibility, claiming he “authorized Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times),” and that he “never spoke to him for book.”
However, Wolff fired back Friday morning during an interview with NBC’s “Today,” insisting that he did speak to the president, and “whether he realized it was an interview or not – it certainly was not off the record.”
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