Yoweri Museveni has secured the Age Limit Law
Museveni signs Age limit bill into law
As expected, President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, has signed the Age limit bill into law. The amendment extends the MPs term of office to 7 years, brings back term limits into the constitution, and allows individuals above the age of 75 to stand for president, removing an earlier restriction.
The Constitution Amendment Bill 2017 first passed into a second reading by 317 for and 97 votes against at the end of 2017.
In his new year message, President Museveni praised the 317 legislators who supported the amendments saying they played a great role when the country was at crossroads.
TV Uganda reported that Museveni compared the 317 MPs to the role played by the 27 fighters who started the war that brought him to power 31 years ago.
“He also compared them to the 232 MPs of the 7th parliament who opened up the presidential term limits in September 2005.
The Uganda ruling party, National Resistance Movement (NRM) had pushed fervently to ensure the passage of the bill by the parliament, a move people considered a ploy to make Museveni a life president
Yoweri Museveni, took power in 1986. Shortly after, he published a book titled What is Africa’s Problem? And he concluded that “The problem of Africa in general and Uganda in particular is not the people but leaders who want to overstay in power.”
But now, the President is vehemently opposed to ‘short terms in office’. He has categorically said that ‘Short terms are bad’. He condemned the military intervention in Zimbabwe which led to the ouster of Robert Mugabe
Museveni is now 31 years in power and he has secured the amendment of the Uganda constitution which bars 75-year-old and above from contesting for presidential position. Museveni is now 73 years old would not have been eligible for next election but the amendment of the constitution.
The Uganda President had said he was not seeking re-election but sources close to power have faulted this position, saying Museveni wants to be a life president.
In 2005, the NRM parliamentarians pushed and amended the constitution and changed the tenure of office of the president from a two-term of 5 years to an age limit of 75 years. But our sources have confirmed that Museveni wants to “remain around till he dies”
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