Amina Benkhadra, General Director, ONHYM calls for papers for 7th conjugate conference
ONGOING: How to submit papers for 7th Conjugate Margins Conference
ONHYM General Director, Amina BENKHADRA in a statement on Friday has said a call for papers is open for the 7th Conjugate Margins Conference which will hold on 14-16 October 2020, at Marrakesh, Morocco, Marcelo Palmeraie Hotel.
She said in the Conference, for the 7th time, industry, academic, government researchers and young scientists will be sharing their knowledge and ideas on the evolution, petroleum systems and prospectivity of the Atlantic conjugate margin basins.
“It is our great pleasure to announce the 7th edition of theConjugate Margins 2020 Conference, officially hosted and endorsed by ONHYM, the Moroccan state company in charge of hydrocarbons and mining.
“We would like to invite geologists and geoscientists to the 7th Conjugate Margins Conference on 14-16 October 2020, at Marrakesh, Morocco, Marcelo Palmeraie Hotel. For the 7th time, industry, academic, government researchers and young scientists will be sharing their knowledge and ideas on the evolution, petroleum systems and prospectivity of the Atlantic conjugate margin basins.
“The Conjugate Margins Conferences have a proven record of bringing together people toshare new data and ideas about the evolution of sedimentary basins and their associated petroleum systems in the Atlantic margins.
“ Join industry, academic and government researchers and exchange ideas through an in-depth program of oral and poster sessions and numerous network functions. Visit cmcmorocco.com or directly:
Submit your abstract here: https://invr.typeform.com/to/XvZ0kt Register here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/invr/317834 Read ONHYM’s full announcement here: https://www.cmcmorocco.com/onhym-endorsement
Or contact: felix@in-vr.co”, said the statement.
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